Boston University is one of the first universities to establish a study abroad program, and it is definitely one of the most prestigious in the world. There are 100 study abroad programs in 25 different countries and six continents.
A lot of study abroad programs even include internships where you'll be automatically placed with a business or non-profit or other organization in the country of your choosing.
BU has one of the top ranked study abroad programs. They send so many students abroad to a wealth of different countries. And that really does have the standard for study abroad.
Well over half of all students at Boston University actually participate in study abroad programs. It's a super popular thing to do here.
A lot of my friends are in Australia right or Shanghai, London.
I had an amazing experience living with a host family, taking classes at a local university, and getting to travel all around the country.
My study abroad experience at Boston University is definitely my favorite BU experience so far.