I didn't realize what it meant to be in top tier business school until my first day. And I just really, for the first time, felt like I was in a place where everybody knew what was going on, and everyone was incredibly driven to study this and perfect this field. And so I think being in a top business school really means that you are finding the barriers and the edges of the field, and pushing them a little farther. And that's what Questrom has taught me over the past four years.
The curriculum at Questrom is really helpful, because you get to not only study the basics of business, such as accounting or marketing, but you really get to dive further in and to see applications of the health sector, and how business applies to sustainability efforts around the world.
They really want us to kind of focus on four emerging areas, and those areas were health care, security, sustainability, and technology. Those are really where the jobs are going to be. They really want us to come out from the Questrom School of Business, and like I said, be able to work in any area of the industry.
In addition to just doing your work and really getting business experience from your first class, your first class also features a team. I think teams have really helped me to not only get my work done, and consider different perspectives that I may not have working individually, but they've also helped been a support system for other classes we're taking, and you form study groups. And it's nice to see a familiar face every once in awhile, when you walk into the building. The core project in the Questrom School of Business is designed for students to really get hands on experience working as a team.
It basically takes the last two years of our education, where we've taken classes in all of our concentration areas, and we put that into use all into one semester, where we work on a team of about nine other students. And we have to come up with a brand new product or service that has never before been thought of or created.
So the Questrom Honors Program is a really great opportunity for students in their sophomore year. If you make a certain GPA, you can then apply to be in the Questrom Honors Program, and that program really gives another level to studying business.
The Questrom School of Business is very fortunate, in that we have our own career center, which is called the Feld Career Center here. They'll also be more than happy to sit down one on one with you, go over your resume, your cover letter, do mock interviews with you. And again, just really help us be more competitive job applicants when we come out.